Constant Effect Items Morrowind


Morrowind Enchant Calculator

Constant Effect Items Morrowind

Quick Links.:MORROWIND(for dummies)Where is it? I can't findhim?Who did it? What is it?.I am not attempting to be the ultimateguide to anything.These are questions I see often,tips I've read and waysof doing things that I've learned.For ultimate guides to Morrowind,check the page. QuickSearch.MudcrabWho is Mudcrab?Mudcrab is a. Mudcrab.He's also a merchant, the richestmerchantin the game and only one of twowho will give youfull value for your merchandise.Mudcrab regenerates his 10,000 ingold every 24 hoursand is a pleasure to do businesswith.(See Creative Bartering)He buys weapons, armour, selectedmagic items and alcohol only.The simplest of directions are oftenthe best.(They're also the easiest to remember)Vivec.

Morrowind Enchanting Constant Effect

Oct 06, 2002  The curaiss is the best single piece of light armor in the game, with 266 points, plus it has a constant effect of 60% Magicka Resistance.

Morrowind constant enchant

Constant Effect Items Morrowind 3

Gondola to TelvanniCanton. Leave via the land bridge.Cross the peninsula eastwards.Stop next to Ald Sotha daedric ruin,by the water.There are three tiny islands.Get out to the furthest one.Before you are two largish islands.You want to go to the one on theleft as you are still looking east.If Mznach Ruin comes up on the screen,you're in the right place.Travel down the face of the island,past the ruin to the end.(always going east)At the 'end' of the island is anislet with two tall pillars of stoneguarding an 'entrance'. Andthere's a mudcrab.

Is there any enchanted item with a constant restore health and fatigueeffect in the game? I know of some Robe of St.

Roris (or somethinglike that), its supposed to have constant effect but it doesn't. DidTribunal.fix. it or something?If there is an item like that.where do you find it?I can't remember if there's anything that does both. Your best bet isto create your own items, or just spend the money and get someone toenchant them for you (even better). It's been a while since I'veplayed, but I think I had a ring created to restore 4hp/second (maybe3), and a belt that restored something like 12 or 20 pts of fatigue asecond. It's worth the investment if you can get the soul gems and themoney.Of course, you're going to have to be tough enough to Soul Trap and killa Golden Saint (or the equivalent) to get powerful enough soul gems tocreate constant effect items, although I think there's a gem with aGolden Saint soul that you can steal in the Balmora Mages Guild.And if you've got Tribunal installed, money shouldn't much of an issueafter a certain point in the game, as there are plenty of merchants inMournhold that can give you what the expensive items are really worth. Is there any enchanted item with a constant restore health and fatigueeffect in the game?

I know of some Robe of St. Roris (or somethinglike that), its supposed to have constant effect but it doesn't. DidTribunal.fix. it or something?If there is an item like that.where do you find it?I can't remember if there's anything that does both.

Your best bet isto create your own items, or just spend the money and get someone toenchant them for you (even better). It's been a while since I'veplayed, but I think I had a ring created to restore 4hp/second (maybe3), and a belt that restored something like 12 or 20 pts of fatigue asecond.

It's worth the investment if you can get the soul gems and themoney.Of course, you're going to have to be tough enough to Soul Trap and killa Golden Saint (or the equivalent) to get powerful enough soul gems tocreate constant effect items, although I think there's a gem with aGolden Saint soul that you can steal in the Balmora Mages Guild.And if you've got Tribunal installed, money shouldn't much of an issueafter a certain point in the game, as there are plenty of merchants inMournhold that can give you what the expensive items are really worth.

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