Silent Hill Clock Puzzle

  1. Silent Hill Downpour Clock Puzzle

The Beginning.This walkthrough has been written from scratch by me, Deschain. Do what you please with it, but please don't claim it as your own work. Also, don't just use this to get through the game without thinking for yourself. Silent Hill is meant to be experienced. This guide is for people who are genuinely stumped. Silent Hill and the images on this page are copyrighted by Konami. Thank you and see you in Hell.

(Otherwise known as Silent Hill.)Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. How do I solve the piano puzzle?A. The order for the keys is 3, 10, 11, 8, 2. Be sure you count the black keys.Q. How do I save Cybil?A.

What would a Silent Hill game be without Puzzles? These Puzzles have become an integral part of the series, allowing fans of riddles to test out their brain power. Most Puzzles and Riddles must be.

To save Cybil you have to get the bottle from the Hospital Kitchen and use it to collect this red liquid in the Director's Office. You must do the the FIRST time you get to the hospital. (Right after the school). Then when you fight Cybil on the Merry-go-round, you can run around till she's out of ammo or go after her right away. Either way, get right next to her and use the red liquid. Harry will toss it in her face and voila!Q.

How do I save Kaufmann?A. To save Kaufmann, go to Annie's Grill after you come out of the sewers. Use your map to locate it. You must also follow the trail of clues left by Kaufmann to open the motorcycle in the motel garage.Q.

Can I save Lisa?A. So far as I know, there is NO way to save Lisa.Q.

What do I do in the room with the symbols and buttons?A. To solve the Zodiac Puzzle, put the number of appendages (arms and legs) the symbol has into the number panel.Q. What do I do at the altar?A.

Silent Hill Downpour Clock Puzzle

Use the flash camera on the pictures at either side of the altar to reveal shapes. Use the buttons on the doors to mimic these shapes and unlock the doors.There are violent and disturbing images in this game.Harry Mason slowly regained conciousness. It's cold was his first thought. Suddenly he remembered Cheryl and looked over to find the passenger seat empty. Panic threatened to overtake him for a moment, but he slowly regained his composure.

She probably just went to get help, he thought. Jesus, it's snowing! Okay, this is getting weird. I better find Cheryl. Stepping out of the car he suddenly realized how quiet everything was.This is where the game can check your wrecked car for a health drink, then head down the road until you see something in the fog.Suddenly Harry noticed a figure in the overwhelming fog. Is that Cheryl?

Without warning, the little girl took off across the street and into an alley.Just follow the girl down the alley and open the gate. Notice the mess just inside? Keep heading down the alley.

Slowly it turns dark.Why is it turning dark so quickly? Harry wondered. Looking in his pockets he pulled out a book of matches and lit one. In the distance he heard the ominous sound of sirens. What the hell is going on here?


His mind raced. A wheelchair lay heaped in the corner.

Harry grew more desperate. He started to walk quickly, then broke into a run. A gurney sat in the middle of alley. This is insane! He realized he was stepping in puddles of blood. Then turning a corner he saw something hanging on the fence.A body is strung up on the fence with barbed wire. After examining it, three small figures emerge out of the darkness.

There's not much you can do. The path you came from is blocked by a fence. Just let the little bastards kill you.Again Harry sinks into the unconcious world.You awaken in a small diner with a young police officer watching over you. After you ask her what's going on she tells you she doesn't know and now the game truly begins. Cybil gives you her gun and goes off for reinforcements.Okay first things first.

Grab the health drink, map, flashlight, knife, and anything else you see. When you try to leave, the radio in the corner goes berserk, then a flying creature bursts through the window. Don't give it a chance, just blast the almighty piss out of it until the radio falls silent. Now, pick up the radio and get going.Directly to your right as you leave the cafe are two boxes of bullets for your convenience. If you go left to Queen Burger (don't forget to check your map for these locations) you'll find a health drink on the window sill, then another flying beastie comes around the corner.

Shoot it or run; it's your call. Now head for the convenience store. Inside you'll find several health drinks, a first-aid kid, and a save spot. Once you're done, head back to the alley where you (died?) were looking for Cheryl. Beware of the dogs and more flying bastards.

Eventually the alley is blocked by debris. Here you'll find two more boxes of bullets, a steel pipe, and a clue: Cheryl's sketchbook with the words 'To School' on one of the pages.Now you can wonder all around the town and soon you'll find that all the roads to the school all gone. Here's what you do: Going south on Levin St., turn right on Matheson. At the edge of the chasm you should find more sketchbook pages. These say: 'Dog House' and 'Levin St'.

Return to Levin St. And find the house with a doghouse in the frontyard.

(On the west side of the street.) Check it, and you'll discover a house key. Enter the house, collect the items and go to the back door. It's locked, but next to the door is a map which reveals the locations for the 'Keys for Eclipse.' Once you check the map, the locations will automatically be copied to your map.Okay, let's go to the far right corner of the map, to the end of Finney St.

You should find a wrecked police car. Check the trunk for the first key. There should also be a box of bullets. Now, go to the alley in between Bachman Road and Ellroy Street. Halfway through the alley there will be a gate. Go through it, and inside you'll find a severed dog's head (yuck), a health drink and the second key. Okay, the last one is on Ellroy St., as far south as you can go.


On the west side of the street, there will be a branch that extends over the chasm a little ways. Cross it and you'll come to a small chunk of land with a bloody mailbox. The third key is inside the mailbox. Grab it and head back to the Doghouse.Now unlock the back door and step outside.Oh no it's getting dark again already? Harry wondered.Grab the health drinks off the table and go to the back gate.

My advice now is to switch off your flashlight so you won't be spotted. Take a left and run like hell until you get to the main road. Turn right on the road (Matheson), then at the intersection you can turn right and go all the way north for some health drinks and ammo, but you'll also find two dogs, or head left to go straight to the school. You can also go inside the school bus for some health drinks. If you get lost check your map, people! Just remember to do it somewhere safe so you won't be seen.Now, you're inside the school, right?

In the very first room, grab the School Map. Go through the doors and into the main hall. Go right first. The double doors at the end are locked, but next to those is the infirmary. Inside there are a couple of health drinks, a first-aid kit, and a memo pad. Now at the other end of the hall you'll find a reception desk with three bloody books.Harry looked down at one of the books.

The first read:10:00'Alchemy Laboratory' Gold in an old man's palm. The future hidden in his fist. Exchange for sage's water.The next one said:12:00'A place with songs and sound'A silver guidepost isuntapped in lost tongues.Awakening at the ordained order.The third one gave Harry the chills:5:00'Darkness that brings the choking heat'Flames render the silence,awakening the hungry beast.Open time's door to beckon prey.Harry shuddered.These are your first clues to the three puzzles ahead.Behind the desk is a door to the teacher's lounge. Inside you'll find a box of bullets and a strange picture on the wall.

Now go through the center doors into the courtyard. You'll run into some child zombies.

Three shots will knock them down, then quickly stomp or kick them so they won't resurrect. Through the next set of doors, more zombies assault you. Take 'em out, then go into the middle doors. You'll find some ammo and a Black Ghost. Don't worry, they can't hurt you. Exiting that room, go right.

In this hall, the Teacher's Room doors are jammed. You can find some ammo in the bathrooms, and unlock the door to the main hall. Now head upstairs.You can explore the classrooms for ammo and health drinks if you please, but after that head for the Lab Equipment Room. Inside you'll find distilled water and glucose which you can't take, and a chemical which you can.Take the chemical into the Chemistry Lab. There you'll find a statue hand which is tightly clutching a gold object. Pour the chemical on the hand and it dissolves.

Now pick up the Gold Medallion. You can go right coming out of the Lab and into the next hall. Explore the classrooms and the Library, then head down the stairs.

Unlock the door leading to the main hall and if you want you can scour the classrooms down there, too. When you're done go outide to the courtyard and to the Clock Tower. If you look at it, you'll notice the door is locked and the hands are stopped at 10:00, like the book said. Put the Gold Medallion in the groove on the left side.

If you look again you see that the hands are now at 12:00. So you need to find a place with songs and sound. The Music Room.If you explore the locker room you'll find a thumping locker. Go ahead, open it.

The Fuse Puzzle is a puzzle that must be solved twice in Silent Hill: Homecoming. In both encounters, the object is to rewire five colored wires in a fuse box so that power is restored to a certain location. The wires are connected at the top of the box, but left disconnected at the bottom. The player must figure out the correct place that each wire attaches to at the bottom by testing the connection with a switch. The switch determines how many wires are in the correct place, but not which or where.

Each green light that turns on (there are five in total) after flipping the test switch signifies a wire in the right place, but it is left to the player to discern which wire that is. Overlook Penitentiary Overlook Penitentiary - The second time Alex encounters this puzzle is in the Overlook Penitentiary, after freeing Deputy Wheeler. Before rewiring the fuse box, Alex must first find Deputy Wheeler Box Wire (three wires) that are missing from it. The locations of the missing wires are:.In the cell adjacent to the cell with the fuse box. It is exposed from an abandoned radio.On the ground floor of the same block, in the cell with a truck rammed inside. The wire is hanging from one of the truck's lights.In the guard tower of the following upstairs corridor.

It is amongst a set of tools meant to fix a broken surveillance camera.After collecting the three wires needed and placing them in the box, the process of solving the puzzle is the same as previously encountered in the Grand Hotel. The solution in all difficulty settings is:Red, White, Green, Blue, Yellow. SolutionsRiddle 1 - I stand beside the holy manThe monarchs fear my wrathNone may move the way I canEver the crooked pathThe choices given are all chess pieces, and by analyzing the poem the answer can be discerned as The KnightRiddle 2 - The man who devised itDoes not want itThe man who bought itDoes not use itThe man who used itDoes not realize itSome choices on the dial can be identified: a skull and crossbones, a coffin, a knife, and a set of bars.

Through the riddle we can identify The Coffin as the proper answer.Riddle 3 - What man loves more than lifeFears more than death or mortal strifeWhat poor men have, the rich acquireAnd all contented men desireWhat misers spend and the wastrels saveAnd each man carries to his grave?This riddle is arguably the more complex of the three. The choices given are: a heart ('love'), An omega symbol, A dollar symbol, an empty space (symbolizing 'nothing') and a clock ('time'). Analyzing the riddle, one can infer the answer is the blank space, or ' nothing'. ExplanationsThe Knight:. He stands beside the 'holy man,' the bishop. His is a 'crooked' L-shaped path no other piece can have. The monarch fears him refers to the fact check mate can easily be achieved with your knights still on the board.Coffin:.

The man who built the coffin doesn't want it. The man who bought the coffin won't be using it for himself.

The man in the coffin cannot realize it for he is deadNothing. The poor man has nothing. Contented men want nothing. Misers (one who hoards) spend nothing. SolutionPart 1:The first part of the puzzle involves rotating two large concentric rings to to match the Bartlett, Fitch and Holloway families to their methods of sacrifice.

By inspecting the ground, Alex identifies Dr. Fitch's prescription pad on one of the highlighting points. Thus we can discern that point belongs to the symbol for the Fitch family. The solution from the beginning in all difficulties is:. Outer ring: 8 rotations. Inner ring: 2 rotationsPart 2Once the symbols of the two circles on the ground match up, a similar mechanism on the door becomes accessible.

On this part only the information of the Shepherd family is needed. The rotations aren't in a fixed state and can be controlled freely by the player. In order to solve the puzzle, simply line the symbol for the Shepherd family (the curved pitchfork) above the symbol for drowning (the water drop).

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