Keritik Novel Lihatlah Keatas Dan Temukan Cinta


Jika anda tidak mahu mengambil tahu keadaan dunia disekeliling anda,jangan salahkan Tuhan jika tiba-tiba ada orang yang datang ke rumah anda dan memerintahkan anda sekeluarga berbaris di dalam rumah sambil mata ditutup dan tangan diiikat ke leher.Selepas itu terdengar jeritan anak perempuan anda,namun anda hanya mampu mendengar tangisannya sahaja tanpa mampu berbuat apa-apa.Rumah anda. Jika dikatakan bahwa novel ini (dwilogi Padang Bulan dan Cinta di Dalam Gelas) untuk mejawab rasa penasaran sebagian besar pembaca karena kisah di dalam Maryamah Karpov tidak tuntas memang ada benarnya. Novel kedua yang berjudul Cinta di Dalam Gelas menurutku justeru lebih pantas diberi judul tersebut.

I read this book before everybody read it. Before I finished this book I already disappointed because the main characther is too perfect. And the worst part is: everygirl love him. It's ridiculous!

And I don't know why, Habib must put a lot of good luck to his main character.I just want you to realize that every woman have a different reason to love. That's why every man can have a wife. If every woman only like someone like this main character, there will be many old man spending their days I read this book before everybody read it. Before I finished this book I already disappointed because the main characther is too perfect. And the worst part is: everygirl love him. It's ridiculous! And I don't know why, Habib must put a lot of good luck to his main character.I just want you to realize that every woman have a different reason to love.

That's why every man can have a wife. If every woman only like someone like this main character, there will be many old man spending their days alone without a wife. And personally, I don't like man like Fahri at all. I just want an ordinary man. Not an extra super unordinary perfect man like fahri.!!My advice to habib is, if you're writing a story about human being. Write about human being!

Don't put any angels. We're not them. We have bad luck, desire, bad character, and not everybody love us.

That's the real world. The whole Twilight saga controversies rang a bell to me. Something similar to this raging, seemingly unendless debate has happened before.

No, not the Harry Potter one (because, well, admit it, HP books are written well). Then I remembered: Ayat-ayat Cinta, a book that was sold well in my country as well as sparked quarrels here and there over its qualities and content.My friend vehemently recommended this book to me. 'Read it, it's very beautiful!'

He even lent me his copy. Oh OK, I t The whole Twilight saga controversies rang a bell to me. Something similar to this raging, seemingly unendless debate has happened before. No, not the Harry Potter one (because, well, admit it, HP books are written well). Then I remembered: Ayat-ayat Cinta, a book that was sold well in my country as well as sparked quarrels here and there over its qualities and content.My friend vehemently recommended this book to me.

'Read it, it's very beautiful!' He even lent me his copy. Oh OK, I think, why not. If he's as enthusiastic as this about the book, probably it is really good. And so I did it.The first pages were alright. In fact, I quite enjoyed it.

The author has first-hand experience of Egypt, that's why he can write descriptions as vivid as this, I thought. And then characters entered one by one.

It was when everything started to go wrong.Look, it's perfectly okay if you want to write a novel that reflects your religious beliefs or the lack thereof. (The book is said to promote polygyny, although I read an interview of the author saying that he's actually trying to show that monogamy is still the best form of marriage.) Chesterton did that. Khaled Hosseini did that. But trying to make a novel that promotes the values and morals you believe to be good is only a vain attempt if you don't write the book well.It's not that I don't believe there are nice people out there - people that Kang Abik, the author, tried to frame into the hero of the novel, Fahri (dubbed 'The Perfect Boyscout' by some). But what is there to explore when you've ripped off all of the character's weaknesses from him? And Kang Abik cannot even bring some real tragedy into the past life of the perfect bride for Fahri, Aisha.

Kritik novel lihatlah keatas dan temukan cinta indonesia

Wow, somebody tried to peep her when she was taking a bath, but luckily, she always wore a piece of cloth during bath time!So you see, there was actually a potential there to bring the two-dimensional characters into. But Kang Abik avoided this. The main couple are people so perfect that the soft-hearted ones of us may weep to see the obstacles they have to face: other girls loved Fahri so much that one of them was crazy enough to make him sent to jail!I had to admit that I skipped some (or perhaps many) of the last pages. I just couldn't stand reading the flat plot and the lack of believable characters that I could relate to.So, once again. It doesn't matter what the genre and the topic are. It doesn't matter if the subject matter has been addressed zillions of times by other people.

It's about how you write it. And if you fail, no matter how good your intentions are, your book is not worth the fantastic sales. People may defend your work fiercely not because your book is really good, but it represents their beliefs and their ideals.But what a pitiful way of becoming a popular fiction author it is. 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' loosely translated as 'Verses of Love'.

This is one of the finest non-English books that would be missed by publishers.The story tells about Fahri, a man from Indonesia who is studying in al-Azhar, Egypt. His charisma, deep knowledge of Islam teachings led him loved by four women, a Coptic Christian named Maria, a Turkish tycoon named Aisha, an Egyptian named Naora, and a javanese named Nurul.The plotline is actually quite simple, these four women are fascinated by Fahri's hone 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' loosely translated as 'Verses of Love'. This is one of the finest non-English books that would be missed by publishers.The story tells about Fahri, a man from Indonesia who is studying in al-Azhar, Egypt.

His charisma, deep knowledge of Islam teachings led him loved by four women, a Coptic Christian named Maria, a Turkish tycoon named Aisha, an Egyptian named Naora, and a javanese named Nurul.The plotline is actually quite simple, these four women are fascinated by Fahri's honest way of life, and how he respect women very highly in islamic context. Aisha fell for him and they are eventually married.It's getting complicated in middleway when Naora was raped, and she accussed Fahri as the rapist. This led the Egyptian polices threw him in jail, and treating him very inhumanly as possible.This is probably one of the most culture shock I experienced when reading the book. Egyptians polices are pretty cruel and inhumane, they tortured the verdicts so badly that I start having negative sentiments toward the country.The strongest point in this book probably is the setting.

Not much people has experienced living in Egypt before, it's a good book to know the glimpse of how Egyptian live. The narration is pretty much flowing and enjoyable. At first I was expecting a great literature in terms of language & content. However, i think it just another ordinary book and doesn't reflect what the reviewers had said about the book.Then, I realize that the book is amazing in terms of relating Islamic reference to the every conflicts of the plots.Till I read half of the book I fall in Habib's Ayat-ayat Cinta. I can't stop reading. I don't know why, maybe because I am curious about Islamic love.

How should a good muslim relationship to b At first I was expecting a great literature in terms of language & content. However, i think it just another ordinary book and doesn't reflect what the reviewers had said about the book.Then, I realize that the book is amazing in terms of relating Islamic reference to the every conflicts of the plots.Till I read half of the book I fall in Habib's Ayat-ayat Cinta. I can't stop reading. I don't know why, maybe because I am curious about Islamic love. How should a good muslim relationship to be. How to love between a man & woman in Islamic way.Then, at last in the end of the story Habib succeeded to put me into tears.I think I earn something good after reading this.I read all the review from readers who dislike the book. Most of them refuse to like the book because Fahri is too perfect.

What had happened to him is too perfect.But for me this story might be a real story. I believe there is someone as perfect as Fahri because I got friends whom mesmerized me with their believe in religion, in Allah. By the way, I don't find him so perfect.

Sometimes I think he is a control freak by the way he talks to his housemate and his feeling towards them. There is still something wrong the way he handles their attitudes. Besides on the train, I do not agree with the way he talk to the Egyptians. I think it too harsh. He should have talk softer.And regarding he is so lucky man. If you look at yourself and see what you have been through, probably you are not married by a rich woman but every single difficulty that you had faced, there will be a way or somebody who will help you to get through it and that is rahmat from Allah. Nothing is impossible.

Ah., I've watched the movie two days ago and couldn't help crying.hahaha.something that I've never done in several years after watched Kuch Kuch Hota Hai while I was still in high school. Well, a minute after, I bought the book just like that. I wonder which one is better, the book or the movie. But after read, i think both are same good., i said good but not extraordinary. This is my second time of dissapointment after Murakami's Norwegian Wood.okay, i must admit that this book is just ah., I've watched the movie two days ago and couldn't help crying.hahaha.something that I've never done in several years after watched Kuch Kuch Hota Hai while I was still in high school.

Well, a minute after, I bought the book just like that. I wonder which one is better, the book or the movie. But after read, i think both are same good., i said good but not extraordinary.

This is my second time of dissapointment after Murakami's Norwegian Wood.okay, i must admit that this book is just perfect as dakwah. It opened my eyes that marriage in Islam way could be so beautiful.

Unfortunately, is it possible to be occured nowadays, in this hypocrete world? I truly don't think so. Fahri is just so lucky. He found a perfect girl; smart, kind, humble, wise, lovable.,! My godness, why the writer tend to rewrite Mohammad SAW's story while marrying Khadijah?

While the fact is Fahri is 'only' a student with no occupation. My god, once again, yes, we need love to get married with someone.but we must be realistic that love only cannot feed your wife nor your children.overall, I like this book. I was crying too when reading it., because i'm too sensitive when it comes to bizzare love triangle, haha.

The positive thing from this book is about 'mahram' in Islam., yes, modern dating is not good for those irresponsible young people, but if they can manage their sexual desire very carefully before the marriage then why not? Dating in a serious relationship will help a lot to know partner's traits and personality, so that we can accept our partner just the way he/she is, in every condition in a marriage.And I'm just afraid that Ta'aruf wouldn't enough for men if their wife-to-be is not good as they're expected, if the woman is not as pretty as Aisha so that they think that they have the right to do Poligamy way in the name of Islam, that, unfortunately, happened so often currently. Title: Ayat-Ayat CintaAuthor: El-Shirazy HabiburrahmanThick book: 411 pagesDiresensi by: Shelvi NovianitaSYNOPSIS'Loving Him lead me in your love'Fahri bin Abdillah is Indonesian students who tried to reach his master's degree in Al Ahzar. Make friends with the heat and dust of Egypt. Struggling with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Survived by a translator of religious books.

Study in Egypt, making Fahri can know Maria, Nurul, Noura, and Aisha.Maria Grigis is a flat Fahri neighbor, Title: Ayat-Ayat CintaAuthor: El-Shirazy HabiburrahmanThick book: 411 pagesDiresensi by: Shelvi NovianitaSYNOPSIS'Loving Him lead me in your love'Fahri bin Abdillah is Indonesian students who tried to reach his master's degree in Al Ahzar. Make friends with the heat and dust of Egypt. Struggling with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Survived by a translator of religious books. Study in Egypt, making Fahri can know Maria, Nurul, Noura, and Aisha.Maria Grigis is a flat Fahri neighbor, the Christian Coptic but admire the Koran. And menganggumi Fahri.

Admiration turns into love. Unfortunately, love her just poured in the diary only.While Nurul was the son of a renowned religious scholars, who also dredge science at Al Azhar. Fahri actually put his heart in this sweet girl. Unfortunately the only flavor mindernya offspring never showed farmers make sense of anything at Nurul. While Nurul became hesitant and always guessing.Noura is a neighbor while Fahri, who always tortured his own father. Fahri fully empathize with Noura and want to help him. Only empathy alone.

But Noura who expect more. And this will be a major problem when Noura Fahri accused raped her.And the last is Aisha. The beautiful eyes are bewitching Fahri. Since an incident in the metro, when Fahri defend Islam from charges of old-fashioned and rigid, fell in love with Fahri Aisha. And Fahri could not lie to his heart.So, who will be selected Fahri? Who are to be dipersunting by Fahri?

Who can love Fahri with sincerity? Let's find the answer from the synopsis of 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' below.Fahri was on his way to the Mosque of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, located in Shubra El-Kaima, the north end of the city of Cairo, to talaqqi (learn face to face on a sheikh) of Shaykh Uthman, a sheikh who is quite famous in Egypt.With a metro ride, Fahri hope he will arrive on time at the Masjid Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. In the metro was then that he met with Aisha. Aisha who was dicacimaki and diumpat by the Egyptians because it gives her seat to an elderly American citizen, helped by Fahri. Fahri sincere aid to give the impression that means to Aisha. They were acquainted. Aisha was not the girl and Egypt, but the German girl who also was studying in Egypt.In Egypt Fahri lives with his four friends who also came drai Indonesia.

They are Siful, Rudi, Hamdi, and Misbah. They lived in a modest apartment with two floors, where the ground floor into living temapt Fahri and four others, while the upper lanai ditemapati by a Christian family who becomes their neighbor. This family consists of Mr. Boutros, Madame Nahed and two oranga their son, Taitu Mary and Yousef.Despite their different beliefs and aqiqah, but between family and Mr. Boutros Fahri relationship can be very good.

Moreover Fahri and Maria are friends so akarab. Fahri call Mary the Coptic girls are weird. How could I not, she is able to memorize Al-Maidah letters and letters of Mary.In addition to the family next door to Mr.

Boutros, Fahri also have other neighbors who were black versus perrangainya seratusdelapan Boutros-degree with the family. The head of this family named Bahadur. His wife was named madame Syaima and children named Mona, Suzanna, and Noura.Bahadur, madame Syaima, Mona, and Suzanna often tortured as a way Noura Noura and hair color are different from them. Noura was white and blond. Yes, Noura's unfortunate fate.One night Bahadur Noura evicted from the house. Noura was dragged into the street as he was flogged.

Piteous cries. Fahri not bear to see Noura treated as such by Bahadur. He asked Mary for help via sms Noura. Fahri can not help directly because Noura Noura not a relative.

Mary was willing to help Noura night. He brings to his flat Noura.Fahri and Maria try to find out who the real Noura family. They are not sure Noura children and madame Syaima Bahadur.And true.

Noura's not their child. Noura poor was finally able to gather together the people who loved her. He is very grateful to Fahri and Maria.Meanwhile, Aisha can not forget the good-hearted young man willing to help in the metro at the time. Aisha apparently fell in love with Fahri. He asked his uncle to fix her up with Fahri Eqbal.

Incidentally, my uncle knew Eqbal Syaik Fahri and Uthman. Through the help of Uthman Syaik, Fahri was willing to marry Aisha.Hearing the news of the wedding Fahri, Nurul be very disappointed. Uncle and aunt had come to the house to tell him that his nephew Fahri very love the Fahri. But too late! Fahri will soon be married to Aisha.

Oh, really unfortunate fate of Nurul.Fahri and marriage with Aisha was underway. Fahri and Aisha decide to berbulanmadu in a beautiful apartment for a few weeks.Coming home from 'bulanmadu'nya, Fahri received a surprise from Mary and Yousef. Mary and her sister came to the house Fahri to give a wedding gift. But she looked thinner and moody. Indeed, when Fahri and Aisha married, Boutros family was away on vacation. As a result, when I heard Fahri already belong to another woman and no longer lived in the flat, she was devastated.Fahri and Aisha's happiness did not last long because Fahri should be serving time in prison on charges of rape against Noura.

Noura very hurt when Fahri Aisha decided to marry.At trial, Noura who was pregnant was to testify that the fetus is a child Fahri. Fahri lawyer can not do anything because he does not have strong evidence to free his client of all charges. Fahri had to be languishing in jail for several weeks.The only key witness who could pass Fahri from cruel slander Noura is Mary.

Marialah who shared that night Noura (Noura night call in the trial as a night where Fahri raped her).But Mary was lolling helplessly weak. Liver injury due to unrequited love that made him sick. There is no other way. At the urging of Aisha, Fahri was married to Mary. Aisha hopes, to hear and feel the touch of the hand Fahri, Maria came out of coma length. Aisha and expectations into reality. She can open her eyes and then be willing to testify in court.

As a result, Fahri Noura was free of charge. In other words, Fahri can leave that terrible jail.Noura regret for the actions he did. With a great soul, forgive Fahri Noura. And, revealing bahawa father of the baby in the womb Noura dalah Bahadur.Fahri, Aisha, and she is able to undergo their households well. Aisha regard Mary as a sister, Mary the honor as well as an older sister Aisha properly. No one had expected when death finally claimed her.

But she was lucky because before his death, he had become a mu'alaf.From the book we know that Fahri always 'keep themselves' in the middle of the women close to him. Fahri do it because his love for the Almighty.

Fahri being consistent with the principles and teachings of the religion which he held firm. Fahri love to religion and the divine love leads to Aisha. Permission of Allah Fahri and Aisha united under the umbrella of a sincere love expecting approval.EXCESSThe story is so moving and flowing as if the reader experience a variety of problems which are hindering the heroThe author invites the reader explore the language of Islam with the soothingStories of human relationships (love story) is described in an interesting and intact without having to feel vulgar.LACKA man loved by four women. While connected with everyday life, it feels weird if some guy in 'gilai' by four women at once. Both Aisha, Maria, Noura, and Nurul Fahri want to be her husband. Fahri figures are very lucky!

Could such things exist in real life?Noura frustrated because they do not get love Fahri. He then slandered Fahri with accusations of cruelty. Is there really a woman who like Noura in real life? Love is still love. It will not turn into a knife that can stab from behind.UsefulnessIs the distribution of media propaganda to anyone who wants to know more about IslamBy reading this novel we can know the social geography of cities of Egypt and the Middle Eastern culture without having to go there.Give an example to us of a good marriage according to Islamic law.

Still remember when it was first published, i was in my elementary school. I knew nothing for sure, the memories were vague. But i did remember the hype it brought. This book brought hope to Indonesia literacy. I watched the movie before i could read the book, i was so small to understand the meaning of love, yet, i felt so happy because at least for the first time i realised that Indonesia's movie wasn't really that bad as we usually expect.I never knew the real story of Ayat-Ayat Cinta inside Still remember when it was first published, i was in my elementary school.

I knew nothing for sure, the memories were vague. But i did remember the hype it brought. This book brought hope to Indonesia literacy. I watched the movie before i could read the book, i was so small to understand the meaning of love, yet, i felt so happy because at least for the first time i realised that Indonesia's movie wasn't really that bad as we usually expect.I never knew the real story of Ayat-Ayat Cinta inside it's original book. Not until one of my senior gave it to me in March 2017. She gave it as a gift for thanking me she said, but well, i should be the one who was thanking her!

Thank you Teh Nurul:). I read this book in no more than 24 hours. The plot was addictive, and the fact that i've watched it before made me wanted to finish it even more. The diction that the author picked were (i'm sure) picked carefully and perfectfully!

Reading down the novel was like making a poem into a story. Beautifully written and the plot were keenly planned.I almost cried when Aisya's trust towards Fahri was being tested. But, sadly i didn't, haha. This novel covered so many aspects of life, and that makes the reader fall even deeper to the story.

Can't wait to read the next book (Ayat-ayat cinta 2, if possible bisa minjem orang). Maybe it was kinda late for me to read this book, but you know, a good book is a book with long lasting story.

It's never too late:). 'If we falling in love, it is supposed to be one of the way to be closer to God' - A letter from Fahri to Nurul -Such beautiful story. My heart is full of love when I read this book. Not only when the happy part, but also the struggles of Fahri, when he survives to live in Egypt, when he faces the dilemma, when he holds his faith even in the lowest part of his life. I can really feel Alexandria atmosphere through the author's writing. I took so many learnings from the story. We have to include G 'If we falling in love, it is supposed to be one of the way to be closer to God' - A letter from Fahri to Nurul -Such beautiful story.

My heart is full of love when I read this book. Not only when the happy part, but also the struggles of Fahri, when he survives to live in Egypt, when he faces the dilemma, when he holds his faith even in the lowest part of his life. I can really feel Alexandria atmosphere through the author's writing. I took so many learnings from the story. We have to include God in every step we take.

We have to put the world in our hands, not in our heart. Heart-trembling stories. This book is very worth-reading, with a commendably amount of effort put thru knowing all the intricacies of a life in Egypt, particularly from an Islamic point of view. It also clears up a lot of topics that the West often stereotype of Islam, such as the treatment of women, harmony between Christians and Muslims, and of course, the main issue brought up is how divine and dignified love in Islam is. Islam teaches the utmost respect for women, and this was apparent as the underlining theme throu This book is very worth-reading, with a commendably amount of effort put thru knowing all the intricacies of a life in Egypt, particularly from an Islamic point of view. It also clears up a lot of topics that the West often stereotype of Islam, such as the treatment of women, harmony between Christians and Muslims, and of course, the main issue brought up is how divine and dignified love in Islam is. Islam teaches the utmost respect for women, and this was apparent as the underlining theme throughout the story, from the beginning till the end.The main characters.Fahri, the main protagonist.

An Indonesian in his 20s who struggles to make his (and his flatmates’) ends meet during their pursuing of Master Degree in the University of Al-Azhar in Cairo. He is a man of true amanah, an Arabic word that means “faithful, honest, and truthful”. That’s what most readers of AAC really admire of him. I was really amazed “seeing him” holding strongly to his principles, which are based on God’s words as written in the holy book of Qur’an, without any doubts whatsoever.Aisha, the first wife.

Actually, most people would agree to call Aisha the second lover here, since it was Maria who is introduced to Fahri first. But she’s his first wife anyway, and hence the title. Despite Fahri’s undying love for her and the way she loves him in retrospect, most readers would undoubtedly agree how altruistic (i.e. Selfless) Aisha is. She concedes to Maria’s dying wish to receive Fahri’s love despite her evident jealousy.

That is what I call a selfless act, an act of care that does not discriminate human beings by their background.Maria, the second wife. If I were Fahri, I would no doubt have chosen Maria as my wife.

It is quite regrettable that she does not have the courage to declare her love for him, which brings her a lot of misery and pain and in the end, death. But it is a beautiful death anyway, because she has finally gotten what she has yearned for, love for Fahri and love for God. And she could finally enter the gates of Heaven that wayNurul, the submissive lover. The Indonesian girl Nurul, has a fate that is more or less the same as Maria’s, only minus all the sickness that Maria has to go through.

Despite her undying love for him too, she is more of the submissive (which is called “Pasrah” in Indonesian) type of person, because in the end she finally has the courage to let go of Fahri. And that’s how we readers could see how beautiful her love for him is. She readily accepts the bitter fact of love: that it has to end in pain. And she heals that wound herself by marrying another. Her defending of Fahri in the court proves how she still holds back feelings for him.Noura, the slanderous lover. It is indeed hard for readers to pity the Egyptian girl Noura. As the Indonesian proverb says, Memfitnah lebih kejam daripada membunuh (Slandering is more evil than killing).

Despite her eventual apology in the end of the court, she has returned Fahri’s kindness with misery for both him and all the people around him. Noura has another role to play in the story, which is to help strengthen Fahri’s hold of his faith. He has learned a lot of things during his short imprisonment there, and shown the people around him how to be tough during hardships. The true virtues of Fahri’s life would not have been shown if Noura hasn’t defamed Fahri in the first place. However, we readers find it hard to totally blame her too. She has a very agonizing upbringing, being the least-favoured child amongst the others, and with the apparent fact that she is sold by his father Bahadur as a prostitute, I think it could be understandable somehow that she has not got the courage to stand up to the truth in Fahri’s case.

Ok here it is. A novel that is actually not my type, but for some reason I read it til the end. It's not my type due to the content and storytelling style I concluded from some preliminary research. Wow.I had stereotyped it even before opening the first page. But please let me say this one thing.

I was not wrong after all.This is a story of an Indonesian student in Cairo. Smart, hard worker and good looking, he seems to have all the things required to be the most eligible bachelor in the worl Ok here it is. A novel that is actually not my type, but for some reason I read it til the end. It's not my type due to the content and storytelling style I concluded from some preliminary research. Wow.I had stereotyped it even before opening the first page. But please let me say this one thing. I was not wrong after all.This is a story of an Indonesian student in Cairo.

Smart, hard worker and good looking, he seems to have all the things required to be the most eligible bachelor in the world. Not to mention that he is very virtuous and also lucky, particularly with many beautiful girls expecting to be by his side. Can you see now why I told this kind of story is not my type?The basic idea of Ayat-ayat Cinta is actually about love triangle between Fahri the perfect guy, Maria the next door Egyptian girl and Aisha the German Turkish descendant rich lady. Their relationships then wrapped up by some crime cases evolving those three main characters.This novel is actually a religious one.

You can find such an Islamic tradition and message in it very easily. It is so popular - but in my opinion is overrated - perhaps because this is a love story around the Nile river - does it sound romantic to you? - played by the handsome and beautiful characters. It's pretty much like Disney princess bedtime stories with some sort of religious approach, you know what I mean.The only thing that made me keep reading til the last word is Maria, the Coptic girl who has a deep feeling and strong will.

How she handled the hard situation, this was my most interest. A full chapter of her diary is the climax of the story which is the only chapter I highly appreciated.Additional information:I have read some other books from the same author and still have the feeling that there is no sufficient element of surprise regarding the characters and the storytelling style. So I state it here that Ayat-ayat Cinta is the best from him, because of Maria.Anyway, there is a movie based on the same story and used the same title. But I don't recommend to watch it unless you really really like the novel.

AYAT-AYAT CINTA is a religion novel Habiburrahman El-Shirazi's work that tells of a young man named Fahri bin Abdillah an Indonesian student who tried to reach his master's degree at Al-Azhar. With a wide range of targets and simplicity of life he survived in Egypt by becoming a translator of religious books. All the targets lived Fahri with enthusiasm except one: married. Fahri is a man obedient to religion. He does not know the courtship before marriage.

He was less articulate when dealing wit AYAT-AYAT CINTA is a religion novel Habiburrahman El-Shirazi's work that tells of a young man named Fahri bin Abdillah an Indonesian student who tried to reach his master's degree at Al-Azhar. With a wide range of targets and simplicity of life he survived in Egypt by becoming a translator of religious books. All the targets lived Fahri with enthusiasm except one: married.

Fahri is a man obedient to religion. He does not know the courtship before marriage. He was less articulate when dealing with a creature called woman. There are only a few women close to him during this. His grandmother, mother and his sister. Moved to Egypt to make it change after knowing Maria Girgis. Neighbors of the flats which are Christian Copts but admire the Qur'an.

And admire Fahri. Admiration that turned into love.

Unfortunately, love her just pouring in the diary only. Then there Nurul. Son of a renowned religious scholars in Indonesia are also dredge science at Al-Azhar. Fahri actually put hearts in this sweet girl.

But he did not confidence only the offspring of farmers makes it never showed any sense at Nurul. While Nurul also be in doubt.

After that there Noura. Also, a neighbor who always tortured his own father. Fahri fully empathize with Noura and want to help him. Unfortunately it just empathy. Nothing more. But Noura who expect more.

And this will be a big problem when Noura Fahri accused raped her. Last comes the Aisha. The beautiful eyes are bewitching Fahri. Since an incident in the metro, when Fahri defend Islam from charges of old-fashioned and rigid, Aisha fell in love with Fahri. And Fahri could not lie to his heart. Who eventually married with Fahri. After marriage with Aisha was more and more temptation to Fahri including jailed for allegedly raping Noura.

But all that could be overlooked because of fortitude and patience Fahri.For those of you who like novels or novels religion romance novel you can not miss this one. The novel is written with the setting in Egypt.

With a very strong Islamic element and a touching story that can make you late in the story. Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) is a revolutionary religious novel in Indonesia. Generally, it talked about daily life of Indonesian scholar in Egypt. The hero named Fahri is a scholar in Al-Azhar University. He is Javanese who learn in Egypt in very long time (in Indonesia we called it 'Mahasiswa Abadi' or -might be I can be translated it- 'Eternal Scholar').

He is very religious, angel-like, perfect man or in some way we can see him as superMan. He never do something wrong in his daily life i.e even loo Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) is a revolutionary religious novel in Indonesia. Generally, it talked about daily life of Indonesian scholar in Egypt.

The hero named Fahri is a scholar in Al-Azhar University. He is Javanese who learn in Egypt in very long time (in Indonesia we called it 'Mahasiswa Abadi' or -might be I can be translated it- 'Eternal Scholar').

He is very religious, angel-like, perfect man or in some way we can see him as superMan. He never do something wrong in his daily life i.e even looking a good looking girl beside him. Indeed, he never try to show his romantic feeling with someone -even if a girl that he really want to be his wife.At the first time, I see Fahri as a perfect Man in this imperfect world. He always be a polite man, neither hurt nor exploit women in his life.

However, second time I read it, I suddenly realized that Fahri just another perfect-angel-man wanna be that was created by man too. Fahri never do something wrong, he never chase a women but he is chased. Those are at least 3 women that fall in love with him. Each of them has perfect quality including brain, beauty, behavior and also moneybags. All of them are flawless portraits of domestic-woman.

Even they have power and ability to do something more, but they hide behind their man.This novel has good started, but in some cases the author wrote unreasonable and not required scenes, honestly, some dreaming scenes are peculiarity.I like this the first time I read it. Second time, I think it was just an OK book. No.No.I don't mean to dislike a religious genre. It was blossomed novel at the first time, but if we uncover and analyze it we will find the same view about what a woman should do to make her man happy that occasionally we find in religious novel.

Well, hopefully you will have a better view when read this book. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it,Hmm, the main character is a near perfect prophet-like indonesian Al-Azhar scholar who it seems, is more islamic than the arabs (preaching to arabs on the train and gaining their instant awe and admiration, no less, just short of a standing ovation, really). And he has not 1, but 4 women, all of them beautiful of course, clamouring to be his wife. In fact 1 of them, after learning that he had married, went into a coma (surely it must be the end of the world, i mean, how ever will she find anoth Hmm, the main character is a near perfect prophet-like indonesian Al-Azhar scholar who it seems, is more islamic than the arabs (preaching to arabs on the train and gaining their instant awe and admiration, no less, just short of a standing ovation, really). And he has not 1, but 4 women, all of them beautiful of course, clamouring to be his wife. In fact 1 of them, after learning that he had married, went into a coma (surely it must be the end of the world, i mean, how ever will she find another love among all those less islamic gorgeous, well built egyptian men.)& could only be saved if he touches her (?) So even though he didn't really want to (as his love as he tells his 1st wife, is absolute for her), of course he just had to marry her first (?), after which he miraculously developed a sudden great love for the comatose woman and tells her with profound sincerity and honesty how much he loves her (too) and clap!clap!

She wakes up immediately, wouldn't you know it. I wonder if he was trapped in a burning building with a woman, would he have abandoned her lest he touches the woman in trying to save her. A lot of events happen very 'conveniently', including the ending, making the entire story appear somewhat unrealistic. The movie was actually more realistic than the book, as it portrayed certain flaws in the hero's character, and a bit more depth in the characters of the women in his life.

But if you're searching for the meaning of 'ternyata cinta dan keinginan untuk memiliki adalah 2 hal yang berbeda'. Well, guess what, it's not in the book at all! Ayat Ayat Cinta is the tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles in life maintaining pure ideals. And it about a stry of islamic love conflict.Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University.

Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determ Ayat Ayat Cinta is the tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles in life maintaining pure ideals. And it about a stry of islamic love conflict.Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage.For Fahri is innocent and pure, and does not believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him – his mother and grandmother.Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women.Maria Girgis, a shy, open-minded Coptic neighbor who is attracted to the teachings of the Quran, finds herself falling in love with Fahri (a fact she only reveals to her diary).isha, a German-Turkish student in Cairo haunts Fahri with her beautiful eyes. Following an incident on the metro where Fahri defends her against narrow minded bigoted Muslims, both immediately develop feelings for each other.this book is suitable for u than very like about love and tragic story.

And also there is an conflict that very great and u will feel the romantica. And the islamic culture is very dominan. Read and feel it. You will cry after read this book. To be honest, I had such high hopes when I picked up this book. Reviews have been amazing, and I couldn't wait to get into it.And to be honest, it began a little dry. I haven't been reading in Bahasa Melayu for quite some time so mine was a sluggish start.But to be honest, by the second chapter it was full steam ahead!

The elaborate details may well be a little 'berjela-jela' but it was very well done, and not so much as to digress from the plot. Injections of hadiths, quotations from the Qur'an To be honest, I had such high hopes when I picked up this book. Reviews have been amazing, and I couldn't wait to get into it.And to be honest, it began a little dry. I haven't been reading in Bahasa Melayu for quite some time so mine was a sluggish start.But to be honest, by the second chapter it was full steam ahead!

The elaborate details may well be a little 'berjela-jela' but it was very well done, and not so much as to digress from the plot. Injections of hadiths, quotations from the Qur'an, poetry. Precise, and to the point. Lenggok bahasanya memang mengkhayalkan.To be honest though, the ending felt like a rush job. Somehow I felt a little deflated because the very details that made the beginning of the book so endearing were missing.

The ending felt, well. Too convenient. And what of the other characters? Too many issues left open.But well, to be honest, Ayat-ayat Cinta is worth the read. It is ambitious enough in its attempt to be not-just-another-romance-novel in that its sub-plots are not just of the 'pi-mai-pi-mai-tang-tu' variety, and its romantic content is romantic enough to make the most hardened of us all go a little 'aaw.' Will definitely be reading more karangan Kang Abik!

Someone recommended this book to me a couple of years ago, just when it started booming in Indonesia. He found it quite interesting and lifting thus, lent me his book to read during my down time, some times during one weekend.

An easy reading one, and it took me only a couple of hours to read it through.Well, not one of my favorites, I must say (in fact, I hate this book!).The author indeed made a good description of Egypt - where the story took place. Strong background, strong in details, he Someone recommended this book to me a couple of years ago, just when it started booming in Indonesia. He found it quite interesting and lifting thus, lent me his book to read during my down time, some times during one weekend. An easy reading one, and it took me only a couple of hours to read it through.Well, not one of my favorites, I must say (in fact, I hate this book!).The author indeed made a good description of Egypt - where the story took place.

Strong background, strong in details, he brought me to Egypt while turning its every page. Strong characters as well, good in certain points. But the man in this book is quite unbelievable, extra-annoyingly-ordinary. It’s only a fiction, I know. It makes it even worse, how could I believe such a very perfect man was born on earth? In this very century? I just couldn’t believe it!

Sorrytoo good to be true. Maybe, I just haven’t found that man yet. No way, please.he doesn’t exist. Or, perhaps, he only exists in one’s imagination, in the author’s imagination himself? It makes me sick even so.

Actually I didn't read this book, yet I read the story when it was still published daily in the newspaper.I understand there has been so much controversy (well, controversy is the closest word.) about this book. Some people love it, adore it, and other people criticized it, despise it.Those who praise this book believe it act as the pioneer of the rise of Islamic literature(well, the other adore it just because the love story in it).While for some people in the other side criticized it and equa Actually I didn't read this book, yet I read the story when it was still published daily in the newspaper.I understand there has been so much controversy (well, controversy is the closest word.) about this book. Some people love it, adore it, and other people criticized it, despise it.Those who praise this book believe it act as the pioneer of the rise of Islamic literature(well, the other adore it just because the love story in it).While for some people in the other side criticized it and equated this book as promoting polygamy practice.Where did I stand? Not in both sides, but also not in between.Am I despise it because it promoting polygamy? Well, those who really read this book can't be agree on the opinion-it is not more than a triangle love story.Yes, Kang Abib does put some Quran verses in this book, but for me it doesn't make this book as Islamic literature. It's a mere romance. And yet, love story is definitely not my type.

Especially when it comes in Sinetron mode, and for me, this book does. It's a novel said to be 'soul builder'.

Well, there's no objection about that. The story is so romantic and full of value in life, especially for Moslem.It's dedicated for religious proselytizing, so there are some clause from The Holy Qur'an. It's so phenomenal, not like other recent religious proselytizing novel. The plot so creative and doesn't make us feel being taught.

But still it makes us criticize our self, environment, and government.The story is about a master degree student from Indon It's a novel said to be 'soul builder'. Well, there's no objection about that. The story is so romantic and full of value in life, especially for Moslem.It's dedicated for religious proselytizing, so there are some clause from The Holy Qur'an. It's so phenomenal, not like other recent religious proselytizing novel. The plot so creative and doesn't make us feel being taught.

But still it makes us criticize our self, environment, and government.The story is about a master degree student from Indonesia who study in Al-Azhar university, Cairo, Mesir. His background as a farmer's child makes him strong-willed to finish his study as best and as soon as possible. He lives a simple life, sometimes even poor. But still his faith to Islam is something that makes him great.Ayat - ayat cinta tells us his days in Cairo, especially his romance story.

Not like romance novel this days of course. It's implemented with the soul of Islam. Tells us how to channel our feeling when we fall in love.Well, enjoy the story.You won't regret it. I know this book is phenomenal. I know many people have talked about how good this book is.

Just one issue here, why the characters are so perfect? I mean they are humans, aren't they? Every human (at least) has a weakness, has something that they are ashamed of, they have desires, not just the good one, but bad too.

So when I read Fahri, the perfect man that ever been lived (in this fiction of course), I started to think 'really?' I know this novel is about Islam, and I know the author wanted I know this book is phenomenal. I know many people have talked about how good this book is. Just one issue here, why the characters are so perfect?

I mean they are humans, aren't they? Every human (at least) has a weakness, has something that they are ashamed of, they have desires, not just the good one, but bad too. So when I read Fahri, the perfect man that ever been lived (in this fiction of course), I started to think 'really?' I know this novel is about Islam, and I know the author wanted the reader to see that too, to feel Islam, the peace from it. But it is a novel.

It is a fiction! A novel exists to make the readers feel about the characters. And I couldn't feel anything about Fahri. I couldn't think like he thinks. He looks like some kind of angel to me.

He is not human. And yet he is the main character.

I did respect Kang Abik for writing this but come on. I'm tired read the same line about the perfectness. I'm tired, so much.

This book is about love islamic story. Ayat Ayat Cinta is the tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles in life maintaining pure ideal.Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, this book is about love islamic story. Ayat Ayat Cinta is the tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles in life maintaining pure ideal.Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University.

Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets.For Fahri is innocent and pure, and does not believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to him – his mother and grandmother.Life changes drastically in Egypt for he suddenly finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women. Red it an feel the romantica of this book. Kang Abik, demikian novelis ini biasa dipanggil, adalah sarjana Universitas Al-Azhar, Kairo, Mesir dikenal sebagai dai, novelis, dan penyair. Karya-karyanya banyak diminati tak hanya di Indonesia, tapi juga negara-negara tetangga seperti Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei. Karya-karya fiksinya dinilai kental nilai Islaminya dan mendorong semangat para pembacanya.Selama di Kairo, kang Abik banyak menul Kang Abik, demikian novelis ini biasa dipanggil, adalah sarjana Universitas Al-Azhar, Kairo, Mesir dikenal sebagai dai, novelis, dan penyair.

Karya-karyanya banyak diminati tak hanya di Indonesia, tapi juga negara-negara tetangga seperti Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei. Karya-karya fiksinya dinilai kental nilai Islaminya dan mendorong semangat para pembacanya.Selama di Kairo, kang Abik banyak menulis naskah drama dan menyutradarainya, di antaranya: Wa Islama (1999), Sang Kyai dan Sang Durjana (gubahan atas karya Dr.Yusuf Qardhawi yang berjudul ‘Alim Wa Thaghiyyah, 2000), Darah Syuhada (2000).Beberapa karya terjemahan yang telah ia hasilkan seperti Ar-Rasul (GIP, 2001), Biografi Umar bin Abdul Aziz (GIP, 2002), Menyucikan Jiwa (GIP, 2005), Rihlah ilallah (Era Intermedia, 2004), dll. Cerpen-cerpennya dimuat dalam antologi Ketika Duka Tersenyum (FBA, 2001), Merah di Jenin (FBA, 2002), Ketika Cinta Menemukanmu (GIP, 2004), dll.Karya-karyanya:Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2004)Di Atas Sajadah Cinta (2004)Ketika Cinta Berbuah Surga (2005)Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra (2005)Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1 (2007)Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 (Desember, 2007)Dalam Mihrab Cinta (2007).

Kritik Novel Lihatlah Keatas Dan Temukan Cinta 1

Judul: LELAKI: Kutunggu LelakumuPenulis: Dian Nafi dan Endang SsnPenerbit: Hasfa PublisherTerbit: Juni 2012ISBN: 978-602-76 hal.Rp 29rbHADIR DI GRAMEDIA DAN TOKO BUKU LAINNYA.Endorsement:'Cinta selalu punya makna lebih. Tidak pernah membosankan untuk dinikmati. Cinta dalam novel kali ini bernuansa lain: sudut pandang baru, humor segar, juga hati yang merana.

Lihatlah bagaimana tokoh cerita ini, Mayana, beranggapan bahwa mungkinkah lelaki sesungguhnya menunggu wanita mendatangi mereka, sebab para lelaki terlalu apatis dalam memulai kisah cinta?' (Sinta Yudisia - pegiat FLP, penulis, novelis)Jika anda setuju lelaki tidak sekedar bagian dari isi dunia atau pewarna setiap cerita cinta. Maka bacalah novel karya dua novelis wanita ini! Temukan inspirasi dan hikmah terdalam dari seorang LELAKI dengan segala frasa indahnya!

Bagus.(Riyanto El-Harits, Novelis)Fb Fans Page.

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