The Long Dark Grey Mother Firewood


Click to expand.Guess you wanna start a fight with hearth forum ehhh? There are so many variables whose to say?We got to categorize this for each individual wood and what state it is in. Most of my wood is purchased in log length. The shortest amount of time I'll go is logs cut down mid/end of winter, blocked an split by May and burnt that fall. However, I have about 2/3 of next years wood in log length from last Feb 2014 purchase. That should be nice an dry.

Aug 14, 2017  Getting Wood For The Grey Mother The Long Dark Story Mode In this video we help the grey mother by getting wood to put in her firewood bin so she can survive the winter. We check a few houses.

Will have that cut and split by June. Going to cut and split the fresh logs I just got first to give them the best chance to dry out. I plan on buying a blaze king next weekend and I hope my firewood is dry enough this winter. As I am several seasons ahead I can allow everthing to sit css for a minimum of 2 years. Even at that point there will be some species that may not be acceptable for use in my equipment. So many variables that there is no one answer.

In general my rule of thumb is: soft hardwoods at least 1 year split small say about a 2x4 size,Dense hardwoods 2 years min in a 2x4. Double the size of the splits = double the drying time for me.

Last summer was kinda cool vs a few previous years and very humid - I have a small stack of linden which the large splits (8x8) are still wet behind the ears even though it has been sitting for 2 years.With my stove and cheap mm - if I can get my fuel to apx 15% thats golden- 20% well it get me bye but I will be using twice as much for 1/3 the heat. That means I have to work a lot harder and frankly these old bones have hitches in the get along that protest mightily and my Buffrin bill gets out of hand. I cut standing dead Red Oak. And, the trunk wood typically splits out at 36-39% on the MM.

Split and stacked this oak will lose 3% per month on an open air pile. Puts it close to 20% in six months, and I consider that ready. I cut most of the winter season here, and like to let it season till the next winter, more or less 9 months or more. So, most of my piles are in the range of 18-20% when set afire. In a really cold winter, I have found myself with wood cut in October or November needed by February or March.

That's not the plan, but it has happened. Click to expand.Standin'-dead elm here. And the 'woods' is my back yard so I let it season for a shorter time than youDisclaimer; full summer = April to November in my use of it below.On the other hand. I've got some stuff in the stacks that'll have been there 4 or 5 full summers this fall. Some was just stacked yesterday. And I'm plannin' to burn it all next heatin' season.

I've burned lots of (Bur) oak after just one full summer of seasonin'. It burns fine, but burns a little better if ya' give it two years. Red Oak is a bit different, it flat needs two full summers unless ya' split it pretty small. I've burned the likes of Silver Maple, Jack Pine, and such after just a few weeks. Elm, cut green, needs at least a full summer (although I try to avoid cuttin' it green). Cherry, Hackberry, Ash and others of that sort are normally good-to-go in 3-4 months of sunny weather.So.

I guess what I'm sayin' is. Before I can vote you need a 'it depends' choice.

. Summary: The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness. Monitor your Condition, search for life-saving supplies, and master survival skills like fire-building, maintaining your gear, The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness.

Monitor your Condition, search for life-saving supplies, and master survival skills like fire-building, maintaining your gear, hunting, fishing, and landmark-based navigation. There are no zombies - only you, the cold, and everything Mother Nature can throw at you. The hit Steam Early Access sandbox becomes the first survival game available on Xbox One! The Long Dark is a strong survival title, possibly even the strongest of the entire genre. A beautiful but dangerous Canadian wilderness provides the backdrop to a challenging but largely satisfying fight for survival.

The long dark grey mother firewood set

While micromanaging every facet of your well-being while trying to survive might sound tedious in description, it actually ends up being fun, satisfying, and even tense. With three more episodes to come for this title's story mode, there's already tons of content to chow down on.

Just watch out for the wolves. I’ve been passionate about the development of The Long Dark since its announcement in 2013, and when it works, it’s at the absolute top of the hardcore survival genre. The world is expansive and detailed, demanding to be explored.

Mastering the systems provides concrete rewards, truly giving players the sense that they’re learning to survive, and becoming more successful because of it. It’s too bad that the game is so unstable at the moment — when it’s actually finished, The Long Dark will probably be an incredible survival experience. Right now on the PS4? It’s too buggy and hostile to recommend. I loved this game. I had no idea about it, but saw it in the Playstation store one morning, and decided to download it.

I was hooked Wow. I loved this game. I had no idea about it, but saw it in the Playstation store one morning, and decided to download it. I was hooked immediately. I spent two hours playing survival mode before I was killed by a pack of wolves.

Grey mother the long dark firewood

I ended up showing it to all my friends, giving them each a shot in the game. My brother loved it, and, I think he's still alive to this day in his play through. Admittedly I have not played the story yet, just been having fun in the survival mode, competing with friends to see who can outlast who. As a Canadian, I also feel quite proud playing the game.

When you wade through a blizzard, freezing in the middle of the night (again game time) and you just see that maple leaf waving in the wind. Its strangely inspiring. Its not very often I get to see my home in video games. Anyway, I thought the game was really thoughtfully done.

The survival mode feels huge. You can find entrances and exits to other maps, so there is a profound sense of exploration. Its not even that expensive. The Long Dark has a very interesting introduction when beginning the story mode. The players are simply awoken, then alerted to several The Long Dark has a very interesting introduction when beginning the story mode.

The Long Dark Best Firewood

The players are simply awoken, then alerted to several injuries and survival needs they must fulfill after a serious plane crash. The game gives the player (no outside narrator) direction and no idea of what items they can interact with. At first, I found this frustrating as I was flustered by the immediate demands made by the character and not being able to find the items needed. Then I realized this was a creative tactic by the developers that immerses players in the game immediately.

Rather than blatantly telling players where to go and what to collect, the game allows players to figure out the first steps on their own. This gives players a sense of accomplishment in being able to survive a tough situation.

This tutorial area does not leave players completely in the dark however, and it is carefully crafted to allow players to teach themselves. Immediate healthcare supplies, tinder and fuel are scattered around the player and can easily be found by roaming around the area. This initial area is also blocked in by a series of cliffs and mountains, so players can’t wonder away from this tutorial without a full understanding of basic controls. Finally, the tutorial adds small pop ups of information when certain items are picked up, or certain menus or controls are pressed.

These give important crafting/survival information to help players progress and make the tutorial a very smooth process. Unlike some games, The Long Dark gives players a very interactive and immersive tutorial that teaches players through its level design and character dialog, this being what most tutorials should strive for.

This game also does another thing really well, and that would be using the first-person player perspective and making it work well in a survival game genre. Having played games such as Endnight Games The Forest, survival games in first person often appear choppy and difficult to control.

Actions such as jumping, swinging an axe, harvesting materials and building are animated awkwardly or can glitch on players causing them to be less immersed and perhaps even frustrated with game mechanics. Unlike The Forest, The Long Dark does not have animations for certain actions such as harvesting materials and building. Instead, players interact with a specific harvesting/building screen. There is audio of the action being done and a circle timer counting down the time before the action is complete. For me this was a much smoother way to gather materials and this did not take away from the games realistic feel, and it avoided awkward first-person animations that come with swinging a hatchet or crafting a coat. This is similar to a mobile game I had played called Survive published by Sandbay Games, which contains no animation or models, but rather has players manage resources and needs through menus. Only building and harvesting have menus in The Long Dark, making running, climbing and attacking (shooting, throwing rocks, etc.) a fun experience for players.

In this way, the game is efficient and smooth, but also remains fun and visually immersive in other aspects. What The Long Dark lacks in story, it makes up for in gameplay and balance.

One of the most difficult aspects to design in a survival game is balancing needs, consequences, and the time it takes for needs to decline versus what it takes to replenish those needs. The Long Dark does a great job at balancing these needs, as when playing I have not felt I was losing heat to quickly or becoming hungry too fast. Replenishing needs is challenging without being impossible and irritating. Survival is the focus, but the balance gives me a chance to build, gather material, and explore as well as managing my needs. There is also an excellent balance in consequences of players actions. Falling from a cliff may break the players legs or being bitten by a wolf means a player must bandage and disinfect the wound. There are also serious injuries, such as frostbite, which will permanently take away from a player’s health.

This gives fun challenge and adds to the games overall realism. I enjoy being kept on my toes and really being worried about the well being of my avatar. Overall, The Long Dark is an excellent game for strategy/survival lovers as well as those who don’t usually like or play survival games. It is one of the most balanced and entertaining survival games I have played. For a small developing studios first game, I would declare it a great first impression for Hinterland Games. Just bought this for 10 euros, and even would have been worth the full price (25 e). After playing for few hours, and writing a review I had Just bought this for 10 euros, and even would have been worth the full price (25 e).

After playing for few hours, and writing a review I had to educate myself to learn, that this has been around for a while, with pre-production starting as far back as 2013. For me this slots in the category of good indie games, like Kona and Firewatch, and with different game modes hopefully lasts longer than a day or two. I usually find boring the aspect in survival games, that you need to feed, drink, sleep and such way too often, The Long Dark let’s you actually play. I’m from one of the nordic countries, so I especially find the cold harsh environment envigorating, those Canadian developers sure know how to incorporate sense of cold and dark in their games. Definitely recommend, just this year alone I’ve spent hundreds of euros to lesser quality AAA games, but once in a while you find an indie gem like The Long Dark.

The game is way too accelerated. Picking up sticks would not take 15 minutes, nor would breaking a cardboard box. Every 15 seconds it The game is way too accelerated. Picking up sticks would not take 15 minutes, nor would breaking a cardboard box. Every 15 seconds it accelerates time until you can't see sh.t and freeze to death. I guess they made this decision because the maps are so small. The loading in between and blacking out is jaring, especially in the dark when you lose your sense of original direction.

You should also be able to drive the abandoned cars. The game has the right concept but it fails miserably. The cartoonish graphics are bad but not terrible. This game would be great in real time in a persistent realistic environment but it's not I hope someone makes a true hyper realistic survival simulator preferably with zombies.

After you're done with the tutorial (that's all what 'story mode' is), you will have learned that there's one thing more dangerous than wolves After you're done with the tutorial (that's all what 'story mode' is), you will have learned that there's one thing more dangerous than wolves or bears in the Long Dark; and that's doors. Because after every third or fourth door (doesnt matter entering or leaving) lurks a blue screen. Game crashed.

You now get to repeat the last two or three hours. I understand the developers got sidetracked, producing proof of concepts for a Long Dark movie. And that's a shame, because they obviously took their eyes off their game, which can be so mesmerizing at times it's unfortunate that even after Patch 12 the PS4 game it is essentially a defective product. So very disappointing, because this is a diamond in the rough, and could be wonderful.

I cannot recommend. I will begin my saying that sandbox is one of the best gaming experiences I've had, but story mode undoes everything that was great about The I will begin my saying that sandbox is one of the best gaming experiences I've had, but story mode undoes everything that was great about The Long Dark. Where to begin? This title was delayed for years as the developers promised a unique experience and story like nothing we've seen before.

What we received is bland and unoriginal. There are no new ideas in this story, just a lot of rehashed ideas all very poorly executed.

The Long Dark Grey Mother Firewood Pictures

Do you like meaningless fetch quests with questionable character motivation? Then this is the game for you. Do you like experiencing AI out of a game from 2001? Then this is for you. Yes they are a small developer, but this is one of the worst executed stories I've ever seen in a game. It isn't worth a second of your time.

I haven't touched on the technical problems, and there are many. This game crashed on me 16 times in two days. It keeps crashing after patches!

Was this rushed out as an unfinished product even after years of delays? Must've been, unless the developers are just that incompetent. There's a litany of other bugs to discuss, but there are so many it's unbelievable. Games usually launch with a few issues that need to be fixed but nearly every aspect of this game is broken.

I'm shocked, appalled, and very sad about a game with so much potential that became so underwhelming. This IS NOT a full game.

They ask you to pay for it, but it is not finished. It Randomly CRASHES and erases save files. I happens like every 1 This IS NOT a full game. They ask you to pay for it, but it is not finished. It Randomly CRASHES and erases save files.

I happens like every 1 hour, just as you get pulled in by the survival, which is great. I am very very disappointed in this game. The studio behind it promised a full survival experience, but after waiting almost 2,5 years for that promise to come true, we get this. I bought the game 2 times, first when it was in alpha sandbox mode, and now when it has come out ' supposedly full game'. It really made me angry, especially because, to be safe and be sure I was spending the money on the ' good thing' I read a couple reviews here on metacritic beforehand.

There was one critic who stated that the game crashes every now and then. But Hinterland studio responded to his review stating ' that post patch repairs have been implemented, and the game should be working just fine ' So, i trusted them. First day playing, me and my brothers all bought the game for ps4 to play together. U know ' start at the same time, and who could survive longer' and we all CRASHED hard. I feel cheated by Hinterlands, and their politics. I'm seriously considering writing them a letter o complaint, directly to Canada.

Because i believe you should not treat people like that. Let me tell you some facts about this game: They made hundreds of thousands from the kickstarter campaign, they have financial backing from the Canada media fund, and then made another heap of money selling the alpha version of the game for like 20 euro, upping the price upon release in aug. 2017 to like 35 euro. So if you cross check the number of people in the studio with the probable amount of money they made, one could get the impression that this is plain con art.

I bet theres more people who feel the same way I do.

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