Doki Doki Literature Club Words

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  2. Doki Doki Literature Club Sayoris Words
  3. Doki Doki Literature Club Words List

The DDLC Mods community aims to discuss, develop, and enjoy fan-renditions of Team Salvato's Doki Doki Literature Club.As the Modding arm, we aim to produce only the best content pursuant to the IP Guidelines established by Team Salvato found here at their Website:It is advised that you have finished the game at least once, before subscribing as all mods must assume post-game content. Rules:.Be Civil and follow. We're all modders of different skill levels here, so don't hesitate to ask for help or give help, and don't be mean toward those who do either.Mods must follow the. Mods must be distributed for free. Mods must not be distributed on any DRM platform (Steam, Google Play, GameJolt,, etc.). DDLC assets may not be used in standalone games. Mods must state they are unaffiliated with DDLC and have a link to the original game.

Mods must not be distributed as complete games with executables.Tag spoilers in posts or comments. For comment spoilers, put: !Just Monika! This was pretty neat, certainly everyone who's played wants that opportunity to 'save' the characters. Some of the options made me raise an eyebrow but I can tell a lot of thought went into it so you get props regardless.I think the biggest problem with your additions is that your style of writing is noticeably different from Salvato's. An amount of this is to be expected from any mod, but you could help yourself by not using so many slang contractions like 'gonna', 'wanna'.There are also a few straight up grammatical problems; I'd like to be more constructive and show you where those are and what needs fixing but I didn't have the wherewithal to take notes while I was playing.

Dec 21, 2017  No, it's not lesbians. Click to Subscribe Want updates on what's new and coming soon? Our email list! Apr 1, 2018 - This page contains spoilers for the plot of Doki Doki Literature Club! The character which the word most appeals to is indicated in-game.

I'd like to be able to pinpoint exact places in the script I remember there being grammatical errors but the truth is, they were pretty consistent straight through the experience where you added dialog.Let me be clear, I like what you've done. The real reason I decided to comment at all is because I like it so much I want you to make it all that it can be. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful but I hope these little criticisms point you in the right direction!. I'm definetly going to update this at a later date, with some tiny little stuff added, and a lot of improved and revised texts. As I stated, I'm not natively english, nor have I the level to consider myself 'great', so there is this much I can do by myself.I've been talking to REALLY great people about the gramatical issues, so I will update this post once it's been improved.

For those who have already played the mod, I'll release a video containing all the added stuff, so you don't need to replay the game, unless it's so big of an improvement that it's enough excuse, that is.I'm really grateful for the time you took to pinpoint all this, and thanks for allowing me to grow this project more. My thoughts throughout:. Act I was a little boring, since it was pretty much the same as original Act I, up until. I was immensely satisified when. But holy hell, did I rage when. Similar to Act I, Act II was pretty much the same up until.

OHHHH YEAH. Act III is some gooooooood shit. Natsuki was incredibly well-written (albeit the grammar errors, but like you said, you're not a native speaker, so it's not a huge deal).

The interlude where. This act had a nice end. Oh boy, Act IV. Yay! Act V!.All in all, great job, OP.

Doki Doki Literature Club Words

9/10.EDIT: Oh shit,. I am glad, I stumbled upon this mod.The story simply was not finished, there was no way to an ending nor to make the characters happy. Every path led to nothing but hurt. However, I thought it was somehow implied that one should make their own ending (there was this easter egg where the mc asks you to go back to tell them, but you can't really change something, aside from the final dialogue).This writ contains spoilers.

Doki doki literature club her last wordsWords

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If you haven't played the mod yet, it goes the same as for the original game: Just play it, it's free.I don't want to write a wall of text so I will just list it.Things I found good:. You stuck to the nature of the characters, they felt real and it didn't appear forced at all to save them. As opposed to the main story, you involved multiple side-characters, giving the story a more natural feel. (even more than the original game actually has, which in itself is kinda funny). You conveyed feelings, moods and vibes through the interface ( eg.

Natsuki's, when Monika starts blabbing, whenever someone was cut short and the text skips, the zooming to the character etc.). You added much detail ( All the unwritten stuff that you elaborated, e.g. When the MC learned he could see above Natsuki's shoulders while kneeling, The life of the MC and how he hadn't eaten something cooked for so long, his relation to his mother.

How the club room was used formerly by the debate club and so forth.). You kept the game interesting, build tension and so onAlso this part made me like Yuri.When I first played the game I would go for Natsuki not only because she was so cute, but also because I thought it would be odd dating his childhood friend that one knew for so long, which changed when she confessed and so on.

In act II, I was exasperated by both Yuri and Monika, who would become so unreasonable and egotistic (pulling me away from what I cherished!). But when the MC (I don't know if this was part of the mod or I just noticed it due to an additional playthrough, which I wondered several times actually.) and it made me think higher of her.What also was ingenious, was the way to safe Monika.Now, I am truly able to say 'all doki best doki' (Natsuki's still my favorite, though ).I think I saw what you were trying to do, and I liked every single bit. There really was nothing one could say you did wrong.I didn't mind the grammar and spelling mistakes, but this might be irrational as I am not native english myself.It's easy to see that there was put a lot of effort, love and care into this mod.I don't mean to exaggerate, but no words nor numbers can describe how much I liked this mod, that somehow felt as though it must have been canon.And to you, who granted so many people a way to find happiness, my most sincere gratitude.Now that I have finished the mod, I have found a bit of closure. Although I still worry about, but that will be some sort of cliffhanger, right?(Well, turned out to be a wall of text after all).

In the Yuri part, i thinked it was the same, but actually it was a really smart thing to do, the upper option says 'cut yourself!!' , and the second, just cut yourself, the first time i clicked the first cause of the '!!' , but after that, i knew what that means, through the game, every text that someone speaks is wrote between ', meaning that was a speech, the first option you say to Yuri cut itself, but the second was a act, you choose to cut yourself (the MC), so you put your hand and hold the knife, cutting your hand, all makes sense now.

TitleDoki Doki Literature Club!AliasesDDLCLengthShort (2 - 10 hours)LinksDeveloperPublishers& & && & & & && && & &&&RelationsAlternative version unofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialunofficialSequel unofficialSame setting unofficialDescriptionHi, Monika here!Welcome to the Literature Club! It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of the things I love. Now that you're a club member, you can help me make that dream come true in this cute game!Every day is full of chit-chat and fun activities with all of my adorable and unique club members:Sayori, the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most;Natsuki, the deceivingly cute girl who packs an assertive punch;Yuri, the timid and mysterious one who finds comfort in the world of books.And, of course, Monika, the leader of the club! That's me!I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the Literature Club become a more intimate place for all my members. But I can tell already that you're a sweetheart—will you promise to spend the most time with me?

Aliases莫妮卡, モニカMeasurementsHeight: 160cmBirthday22 September,DescriptionMonika is noted by the other characters to be smart, beautiful, confident and athletic. She is not as talkative as the other girls, but this is implied to not be through choice. She always has a calm, gentle expression and is portrayed as mature and hard-working.Monika had previously been a part of the Debate Club but left due to all the inner politics and drama, highlighting a desire for order, freedom of topics and friendliness. The Literature Club, which she founded after leaving the Debate Club, is very important to her. She aspires for it to be a place to showcase and grow everyone's passion for literature. Monika openly displays care and concern for her club mates, praising each member's writing style and even comparing them to famous authors and poets. Starting from Act 2, she shows a much more manipulative personality.

Doki Doki Literature Club Sayoris Words

It is revealed that Monika was self-aware all along and resented from being made into a minor role. She becomes infatuated with the player and urges them to spend more time with her. Monika begins trying to dispose of her club mates so the player is forced to choose her, after her attempts to make the other girls unlikable fail. Her desire and ambition lead her to become obsessive in this goal, highlighted by the fact that all of her poems are about the player or her epiphany.Despite Monika's upbeat attitude in the Literature Club, it becomes increasingly obvious that she is really sad and lonely, as a result of being aware that her whole world is just a simulation; a simulation in which she can't even achieve what is considered 'happiness' (i.e. Having her route completed). She fixates on the player so much because they're the only 'real' thing in her life.

It also does not help that, whenever someone quits the game, Monika is trapped in a hellish void of noise, lights, colors, and screams and despite not even being able to form coherent thoughts, she remembers all of it whenever the player turns on the game again.Later in the game, the player will be able to read Monika's Talk where she talks directly to the player, instead of the protagonist. It is shown that nothing about Monika's apparent kindness and politeness is an act, and she even offers the player some genuinely good advice from time to time.From. Aliases夏树, ナツキ, なつきMeasurementsHeight: 149cm,DescriptionNatsuki is a brash, blunt, cranky, seemingly arrogant girl with a cute, softer interior as a result of insecurity, convincing enough to class Natsuki as the embodiment of a tsundere. While she is impulsive and can speak without thinking, she truly cares about her friends and, even when she has obvious anger issues, doesn't enjoy fights or arguments with people.

Over the course of the game, we see that she worries about and on one occasion, gives the a note asking him to help, fearing that if she spoke out then it would cause more arguments. She is very stubborn and has a hard time expressing how she feels and what she wants. When repeatedly challenged, she often becomes awkward and tongue-tied, then aggressive, and then simply bursts into tears.Her cute interior also involves a love of manga and anime, particularly those in the slice-of-life genre, and baking.

She has been known to store her manga collection in the Literature Club out of embarrassment, another reason is (hinted at) her father would be angry while the rest of the club obviously knows about her interest, she is still hesitant to talk about it. Natsuki also likes cute things, like cupcakes with cat faces.

She also likes poems with cuter, happier words, though her own poems are still about sad things, such as being persecuted for your hobbies. She believes that it's important to be able to express something deep with few words. Her simplistic writing style puts her at odds with, who has a more extravagant style.Natsuki dislikes being called 'cute,' even when she acts as such or does cute things, and will deny any claims from others relating to this; nevertheless, she is much more comfortable exposing her sweet side once she knows people aren't going to tease her about it. She hates it if she isn't taken seriously, whether it's her writing, her hobbies, or just her overall demeanor. It is likely She learned to be ashamed of herself and her hobbies, because her classmates judge her and her implied abusive father, making her abrasive nature a coping mechanism. This is also implied in a secret poem, 'Things I Like About Papa', which is most likely written by her.It is shown that she is a very lonely person who desperately craves affection. One example is during the third poetry-sharing session.

If she has liked all your poems to date, she outright asks the protagonist if he thinks her poems are the best, which swiftly shifts to her begging him to say they are, even if he hates them.Edited From. Aliases纱世里, さより, サヨリMeasurementsHeight: 157cm,DescriptionSayori is portrayed as a talkative person, being very cheerful and kind and the archetype of a Genki Girl.

She is very clumsy and notorious for finding ways to accidentally hurt herself or to drop things. However, despite being airheaded, she is rather cunning, being able to trick others just to get food. She is usually the only character, other than the protagonist, capable of breaking up arguments, and she is described as being paramount to keeping a relaxing atmosphere in the Literature Club, which becomes even more apparent after her suicide. Notes that while she may look like a good leader, Sayori is usually better when it comes to dealing with people. She tries her best to help everyone be happy and dislikes attention directed at her well-being because she feels unworthy of anything that others have to offer her.

Sayori's depression makes her disorganized, and she often 'cannot find a reason to get out of bed in the morning'; her room, which the protagonist regularly cleaned for her, is also noted to be untidy. The protagonist notes how there hasn't been much change in her, and the changes the protagonist notices in her later are due to 's interference, amplifying her depression and suicidal tendencies. Sayori also doesn't seem to think highly of herself. Her relationship with the and other people's happiness are her main coping mechanisms since she believes that if she makes everyone else happy, she will not have a reason whatsoever to be unhappy.Edited From. Aliases優里,DescriptionYuri is mature, shy, and has trouble with social interactions. She normally thinks carefully about what she says, but she is easily flustered and will impulsively blurt things out due to nervousness then repeatedly apologize for her outbursts.Yuri prefers to write using complex language and layer meaning under metaphors that require detailed interpretation.

Doki Doki Literature Club Words List

Yuri's writing and reading preferences greatly contrast with Natsuki's, which can create tension between them.

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